Are you afraid of giving criticism to others? Could you learn to better craft, interpret, and evaluate messages during performance feedback sessions? Would you like to be calm, objective, and open to criticism during performance feedback sessions?

MCS, LLC has created an engaging, enthusiastic, and interactive way for organizations to improve their performance feedback process — and it centers on identifying and enhancing specific communication skills. The best part about this process is that it is supported by scholarly research and guarantees improvement in providing and receiving criticism in the workplace.

Constructive feedback and honest criticism are necessary components of becoming a more effective employee. All organizations use some type of performance feedback process to help employees develop their professional skills. This process shouldn’t be terrifying, useless, or simply an organizational formality.  When conducted effectively, feedback processes should lead to improved skill sets, enhanced morale, and more professional workplace relationships.

Communication RADAR™ is a multi-step program that teaches organizational members to remain calm, objective, and honest during the often tense feedback process. It helps people pay more attention to the communication behaviors going on around them and identifies how their behaviors are part of a larger interaction system.

Communication RADAR™ Objectives

  1. Help participants understand and remember the interactive nature of feedback
  2. Allow participants to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the feedback process
  3. Apply skills during videotaped feedback session that is facilitated by the trainer
  4. Evaluate their own communication skills during the feedback process, as well as evaluate the feedback skills of their peers
  5. Create individual action plans to continue improving their feedback process communication skills

To learn how Communication RADAR can benefit your organization, contact the Chief Executive Officer of MCS, LLC, Dr. Zachary A. Schaefer