What a Motorcycle Wreck Taught Me
It happened. My first motorcycle wreck. Now I know what you’re thinking and it didn’t happen that way. I wasn’t riding recklessly or fast. I didn’t even get cut off from another driver who was texting. My accident was less like a scene from Mission Impossible and more...
Motivation Without Compensation
Is Velcro Part of Your Leadership Tool Kit?
10 Things Ray Kroc Wouldn’t Want Entrepreneurs to Know
What does Batman have in common with Ray Kroc? Michael Keaton. Disclaimer: Before you continue reading, if you don’t fit the following four criteria I encourage you to go back to watching cat videos and scanning your Facebook news feed, because you won't get much...
1 Subtle Way to Spot High Potential Leaders
Loosen Reins, Ease Growing Pain
“I don’t know exactly what I need but I know I need something different to help me get where I want to go.” A client said this a few months ago who knew she needed to add structure to her company but didn’t know what that structure should look like. It's really a...
Let Teleworkers Fail
“I’m struggling with one guy in particular, and I’ve decided I’m going to let him fail on this first project. That’s the only way I can motivate him.” This was a client’s response when I asked how her new managerial role over a team of teleworkers was going. She...
The Wrong Workforce Engagement
I recently came across a flyer advertising an upcoming workforce engagement seminar titled, “The role of communication in creating an engaged and collaborative workforce.” Do you see the problem with this seminar? It implies that there are other ways to engage a...

Brownies, Bowling, and Humanity in the White House
Of all the things I saw on my recent trip to the White House, I was most impressed by a 13x9 inch pan of brownies that one of the Dr. Jill Biden’s staff members brought to celebrate a coworker’s birthday. Now it was also really neat to see and sit behind the Vice...
Seeing Red At a Stoplight: Rapid Anger Adaptation
Chaos emerges when a traffic light breaks down at a busy intersection. We resort to our primitive instincts and survival of the quickest emerges. People speed up to the intersection, give a quick scan, and incrementally creep their car into the intersection. White...